/ PCEB launches destination brochure and MICE guide

21 April 2016

PENANG Convention & Exhibition Bureau (PCEB) has launched two publications – the Destination Experience Brochure and the Penang MICE Guide 2016-17 – a mere three months after the bureau’s establishment.

/ Best of business and leisure

20 April 2016

THE Penang Convention and Exhibition Bureau (PCEB) has launched two of its inaugural publications — the Destination Experience Brochure and Penang MICE Guide 2016-17. PCEB chief executive officer Ashwin Gunasekeran said the publications were part of its exercise to position and promote Penang as the preferred MICE destination in the region.

/ 60 seconds with... Ashwin Gunasekeran

11 April 2016

CEI Asia talks to the CEO of the newly launched Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau.

/ 推介槟国际会议及展览局官网

8 April 2016


/ Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau appoints new CEO

14 January 2016

Penang State Government has appointed Mr Ashwin Gunasekeran as CEO to set up and head its Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau (PCEB), a non-profit organisation aimed at developing and growing the Malaysian city's MICE industry.

/ Ashwin to lead Penang's new MICE charge

14 January 2016

PENANG State Government has appointed Ashwin Gunasekeran as CEO to set up and head its Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau (PCEB), a non-profit organisation aimed at developing and growing the Malaysian city's MICE industry.

/ 林冠英:推動MICE領域發展‧檳國際會議及展覽局成立

13 January 2016

Sin Chew : Penang State Government sets up convention bureau - PCEB - to promote MICE industry in the state. (槟城)槟州首席部长林冠英周二(12日)宣布,槟州政府成立槟州国际会议及展览局(Penang international convention &exhibition bureau,PCEB),以协助推动槟州会议、奖励、研讨会及展览(MICE)的发展。同时,州政府委任前槟州旅游行动理事会的高级活动策划经理阿斯威英(Ashwin...

/ 成立国际会展局

12 January 2016
